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Contracts Overview

The mint protocol comes with two main contracts that users interact with: The Factory.sol creator contract and the Mint.sol collections.

The Factory Contract facilitates the creation of new collection contracts.

The Mint Contract(s) are artist-owned collection contracts.

These collections are simple & immutable ERC1155 contracts that allow the artist to mint and distribute their art.

Factory & Mint

Mint contracts provide a standardized way to distribute these artifacts in a time-boxed, open, and protocol-native manner.

Further, they allow artists to register custom renderer contracts for each token they mint.

Renderers can implement arbitrary logic to customize the artifact metadata and contents.

Mint & Renderers

Each token can define its own renderer contract and/or pass encoded data to it to e.g. customize the renderer functionality.

The default Renderer.sol simply takes the artifact data and encodes it as a blob. But developers have complete freedom to build custom renderers as they like.