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How To Build Themes

The @visualizevalue/mint-app-base application implements a bare-bones but feature-complete UI to interact with the Mint contracts.

It is built with VueJS on top of Nuxt. Nuxt is a quality-of-life batteries included meta-framework on top of VueJS. It makes layering new functionality a breeze.

We can build separate layers as themes to extend the basic styles and features of the main application.

The @visualizevalue/mint-theme-zinc customizes the base application to implement a custom theme. You can use this as inspiration for your own theme, or start from scratch by layering on top of the base app directly.


Note for this you need Node and a package manager like NPM, PNPM or Yarn installed on your machine.

1. Create a new Nuxt application

Note this guide only goes through setting up a fresh Mint application based on the @visualizevalue/mint-app-base implementation. Refer to the Nuxt Documentation for details on how to architect Nuxt applications.

pnpm dlx nuxi@latest init --template layer <app-name>

Execute the above command and follow its prompts. This initializes our layer with a .playground folder containing the application to test the theme.

2. Install the required dependencies

Now let's install the base layer

pnpm add -D @visualizevalue/mint-app-base

3. Implement the base layer

In order to start using the base application as our starting point, we have to add it to the extends config option in our nuxt config. To learn more about it check the extends documentation here.

Adjust the .playground/nuxt.config.ts file to use both our theme and the base application layers.

export default defineNuxtConfig({

  extends: [
    '..', // Extend our theme
    '@visualizevalue/mint-app-base', // Extend the base layer


Since our base app comes with an app.vue entry file, let's delete our own for now.

rm app.vue

4. Test the application

You can run the application in development mode now! Run pnpm dev to start the app.

5. Adjust some styling

Let's create our own custom styles. Add a theme.css file in a new assets folder.

/* Add Pepe styles */
:root {
  --background: white;
  --color:      black;
  --primary:    red;
  --muted:      blue;

  --border-color: green;
  --border-width: 4px;

  --font-base:      2rem;
  --font-family:    sans-serif;
  --font-weight:    bold;
  --text-transform: uppercase;

  --button-background:           red;
  --button-background-highlight: green;

  --card-background:           red;
  --card-background-highlight: green;

And let's load the styles in our application. In the theme's nuxt.config.ts file, add:

import { fileURLToPath } from 'url'
import { dirname, join } from 'path'

const currentDir = dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url))

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  alias: {
    '@base': '@visualizevalue/mint-app-base',

  css: [
    '@base/assets/styles/index.css', // Extend the base theme styles
    join(currentDir, './assets/theme.css'), // Add our own styles

  // ...

For further inspiration on building a custom theme, including adding new components and features check out the @visualizevalue/mint-theme-zinc theme.

Publishing your theme

You can publish your theme on Github or as an NPM package.

Users of the theme are able to easily install it in their applications via a public Github link or an NPM package.

Make sure to submit a PR to the Mint Github repository and add your theme to the showcase gallery.